Mary is the Key to bringing back our Children

In the 1960's I was a young man who believed everything in the Catholic Church and believed every Catholic who attended Mass believed just like me.  Our teachers in school were devout catholics who at the Chidrens Mass led us through everything the priest was doing and saying.

Then I received the first shock .    After Vatican II I was in London and heard a talk by Cardinal Heenan to the priests of his Diocese.  It was on one of those early reel to reel tape recorders.   He was speaking about the re-action of the German Bishops in particular to a proposed Schema on the Virgin Mary.   "It will put the Ecumenical Movement back ten years" they cried.   They had prepared and controlled the agenda and the more honest Catholic bishops on this point were routed.    But they fought back and in the document on the Constitution on the Church they insisted that devotion t Mary should continue and went on to declare her Mother of the Church.   Cardinal Heenan told the priests "If we lost devotion to Mary we will lose devotion to the Blessed Sacrament

Later the changes came.   The orthodox Bishops did not have control of the Roman Curia.    The rebellious bishop did.  So by word of mouth, NOT IN WRITING, they broadcast to the bishops of the world all the changes in the Mass, the liturgy, ignoring Mary, and encouraging bishops to tell their priests to move the Blessed Sacrament to a different room if possible, away from the parishioners., and do not let them kneel for that Protestants could feel at home.   Yet it was not ecumenism that inspired these bishops and priest.   They wanted to change the Church to a secular model and they recognised they could not do this outside the Church but only from within.   So thousands of priests were put into the Church by Freemasons and Communists to reach the highest places and enact change.     This is no new revelation by me it is well testified to by eminent men inside the Church.

But what can we do?   If indeed the loss of devotion to Mary led to the loss of devotion to the Blessed Sacrament then the answer is clear.   We recall Mary and Marian devotion and this will renew the Church.    We can engage in the usual arguments and insults, those who 'have moved on'  and this who are 'stuck' but this is to secularise even the debate.   No the Church is about the Spiritual and spiritual War and we must take up the banner of Mary and fight the good fight.  


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