Feast of the Immaculate Conception

Today was the feast of the Immaculate Conception. We had a wonderful Mass and even more wonderful sermon from out priest. But no special hymn to Our Lady was sung. I therefore lit two candles and started singing one after Mass. Devotion to Mary is an essential part of the Catholic Faith and do not let anyone tell you otherwise. She was chose by God the Father to be the Mother of his Son, Jesus. She was responsible for preparing Jesus for his mission, and indeed suffered with him on Calvary. But to be the mother of Jesus she was preserved from that weakness to sin we are all born with which we call Original Sin. Mary was preserved from this. It did not mean she could not sin but by the privilege of being born without this weakness she could better resist temptation and help Jesus. What a scandal if she had turned out to be a sinner when she was the Mother of Jesus. Our Catholic Family is just that a family. It is not a 'community' as the world sees it for Mary the new Eve is our Mother because Jesus is our brother, and God is our Father, and everyone in Heaven and Purgatory and on earth is our brother or sister. It is losing this sense of family that has caused so much harm to the Church and our Children


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