Poor Foolish Ireland
This is a baby in the womb. If it is in Ireland then it is less safe today than it was yesterday.. But an abortionist will say "Nonsense, we are only killing babies up to 12 weeks gestation and that baby is over that" It sounds reasonable and all the horror stories of babies being born gasping for breath and left to die can be ignored. Can't they" O poor foolish Ireland!
I was listening this morning to the victory speeches of the pro-abortionists How wonderful that they seemed to recognise that assurances would be give n to those who lost. Yes, it was fought in a good spirit, etc, etc, What poppycock. After the 1967 Abortion Act in Britain we had the same nonsense. David Steele assured us that there would not be Abortion on Demand, we had a strict law, yes, and on paper it looked like a strict law, however there was one clause in it which the feminists soon tore to shreds and that was the one allowing abortion where the mental health of the mother would suffer and what other circumstances did the Irish Government proposal allow Abortion up to months where the mental Health of the mother would suffer. Now despite their focussing on the five per cent of abortions which are very difficult indeed the Pro-Abortionists were more interested in a woman's Right to choose, and that means any woman's right to choose They would not have been happy with a 12 week restriction but with the mental health clause they know that they can change this in less than 2 years. After all they have done so in Britain.
So poor foolish Ireland will be facing Abortion on Demand up to 24 weeks just as in the UK. And do not believe for one moment there will be legislation on the matter for the law will still be there it is just that with Abortionist clinics opening up all over Ireland it will be impossible to implement the Mental Health clause because it has such a wide meaning.
And do not belleve that you can go on living your life just being pro-life. These women have killed their own babies and their hatred of Proc-Life comes from an inner drive to justify their actions. Many Irish people will lose their jobs because they are pro-life. There was the case last year of a 62 year old nurse in Glasgow Royal Infirmary being sucked because she refused to supervise an abortion. And in the Supreme Court in London the action of the Hospital was approved. And this woman is one of many. Then there is the people who prayed outside an abortion clinic for 23 years in Ealing London with no complaints suddenly being attacked by feminists and being removed. A true woman who cared for her sex would have been delighted that there is a Pro-LIfe movement helping women who want to keep their babies but not once you are on the feminists hate train. People in offices and workplaces in Britain are now afraid to state that they are Pro-Life because they will be ridiculed as an enemy of women. Even in the House of Commons we have attacks on a Catholic Conservative MP Jacob Rees Mogg who is staunchly Pro Life by another conservative Amber Rudd who thinks his views are an insult to women and he should not even be in the Conservative Party
So poor foolish Ireland. You are really unprepared foe the wiles of evil. One evil breeds more evil and Ireland having lost its moral compass is unprepared for what LIES AHEAD.
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