"All Authority is Given to me...therefore go and Teach all fNations 'all' i have commanded you" Matthew 28

Corpus Christi College, Westminster, changed the face of English Catholicism.    It was formed to teach the 'new thinking' of Vatican II and lasted from 1967 - 1974 before it was closed.  In that time it have invited schoolteachers. parish administrators, diocesan administrators, members of the clergy  and even bishops to explore the new teadhings.  The fruits of the college are worth mentioning.  the priest hired to introuduce the changes eventually ran off with a nun, and other vocations were lost.   One thing however should be noted, the changes they taught did not come from Vatican II, nor were they to be found in any Church authoritative document.     It was an attack on Catholic Teachings and Catholic practices.     The lay people attending Corpus Christi are not to blame for it was sanctioned by Cardinal Heenan although he did not know what was going on and many people were telling him but he did not believe it.   Eventually in 1974 he recognised the truth and closed Corpus Christi but too late.   Yes, the Freemasons and Modernists had been wet prepared but the innocent priests and laity were not, and their protests  were swept aside in an avalanche of reform.  

For the past 45 years I have found that no matter how often you ask where such and such came from in Vatican II, you are ignored.   A new thinking was put forward that truth did not really matter and Jesus did not really care.   And even when 95 per cent of young people left Catholic Schools, having left the Catholic Church long before, you were not allowed to question why this was happening.

There were during the past fifty years many young me who wanted to follow Christ in the priesthood and went to seminaries where it is no exaggeration to say they were brainwashed.   Feminists and 'scholars' replaced priests in the seminaries who knew absolutely nothing about Catholic Apologetics and were there to pass on secular thinking rather than the Gospel of Jesus.   They were not commissioned by Jesus in any way for this office.    I remember attending a meeting at a former Catholic Teachers Training College where a Lesbian was giving a lecture to the future teachers telling them that the Church was completely backward on sexual matters.   I have complained often enough about others who told those present, many who knew better but said nothing, that Catholics were forbidden until Vatican II to read the Bible.      Then we had the meaningless phrase "The Pope's Supremacy is in Love not Authority"     I have mentioned in another blog my conflict with a nun who stated that Vatican II said no Church had the entire truth, it was shared.  

Yet during this era many good young men came forward to be priests but were brainwashed into the new ideology.   Many of them appeal to the young and want desperately for them to accept the Faith but they fail because they cannot see the flaw in their teachings.    Many will tell the young people how much God loves them and with great sincerity and warmth.   They will tell the young people that Jesus died on the Cross for them.   The young person will ask why and the reply will come because Jesus loved them.    Surely he could have found some other way the young person thinks.    And the young person is right, surely there must be more.    "I preach Christ Crucified a stumbling block to the Jews and to the Greeks mere folly"  cried St Paul.    And the young person of today is not impressed either.   He wants to know the the whole story before he is convinced.    Many of them as I point out time and again are not living in loving families and need reassurance that the Death of Jesus has meaning in their everyday lives.  So they want to know the full story of the Cross.   The old  Penny Catechism which the clever rejected and despised  has the answer.  "Jesus Christ died to save us from sin and Hell and to show us the way to Heaven"   Today many priest will try to tell the young that sin has nothing to do with anything, there is no Hell, and everyone is going to Heaven anyway.
  This of course makes the death of Jesus on the Cross completely irrelevant and indeed it makes the Church irrelevant.    Jesus died to show us how to overcome the sins that have brought about the unhappiness of so many young people.  To build His Kingdom which would teach his Gospel and not the Gospel of Tom, Dick, or Harriet, because they delude themselves that they can ignore His Teachings.    He founded a Church which would preserve his teachings unchanged 'even to the consummation of the world"  That church would be made up of people who followed all his teachings and put the love of God  above all other loves and interests..    It would never be a Church of adultery, divorce and remarriage, and abortion.    And that is the only kind of Church that could possibly be a light for the world.   "Go therefore and teach all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit and teaching them everything I have commanded you, and behold I a with you always even till the end of the world"

Pray that God will restore His Church.


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