Is the Rosary on the Coast initiative just Triumphalism
When you really appreciate what the Catholic Church is, when you really appreciate the role of God as Father, you know that you are part of a family. And when you examine the history of the Church and realise the great love and devotion that was shown to Mary from earliest time, the great procession in the 4th century when she was at Ephesus declared the Mother of God we know that this was what the Holy Spirit and Jesus wanted for her. And the Church had no hesitation in calling her the Mother of the faithful and the Mother of the Church, You see no family is complete without the Mother, for a Father is seen as the judge and the disciplinarian of the family. Hence Jesus has a role of judging the living and the dead. So we can often approach him with guilt for the lives we live. A mother however is the one who never judges you, who just wants to hug you and keep you safe and that has been the role of our Mother Mary in the Churc...