The Holy Innocents+
As we remember today how Herod slaughtered all the male children of two years and under perhaps we may be unwilling to contemplate the Holy Innocents of today slaughtered by the million in their mothers' wombs. Although there may be a slight nod of how terrible this is, that human beings are being denied their humanity and dignity ini the sight of God how many prayers are offered to God to relieve their sufferings. Does your parish hold the day for Life every year which was originally meant to remind us of their deaths but was then changed to include a different threat each year and then quietly dropped to meet the requirement of ecumenism and diversity so that we could mumble that there is more that unites us with Protestants than divides us. It is very much what a Labour MP told the young girls of Rotherham who had been raped. "Shut up for the sake of Diversity"
There is a new era of persecution arising in Britain towards those who would dare speak up for the unborn child. With the advance of Marxism and Communism in the Labour Party free speech is being restricted in many areas. When Abortion was introduced into Britain it was with a great deal of discomfort, for no matter the plight of those who sought abortions, and indeed there were many women who were desperate for being pregnant affected their lives and caused fear and panic since they felt that in a large family another child would make life impossible or perhaps a young girl with little knowledge was raped and abandoned but there was the dilemma that it was recognised that the baby in the womb was indeed a human being. But women with harder hearts entered the abortion scene and declared the baby was not human so it was merely a matter of choice. Abortion clinics were set up and the slaughter began. The trouble with the women who called themselves Pro-choice was that they were certainly not Pro-Women. They offered no help to woman who did not want an Abortion and resented the Pro-Life women who did. Why is an organisation which gives help to women resented by them? Perhaps it is because they are not so convinced in their cause. Certainly by killing non-humans babies in the way Fascists killed non-human Jews is not a very attractive way of doing things.
But the caring Pro-Lifers are being silenced by the London Assembly and despite 23 years of prayer outside abortion clinics in London with no accusations of intimidation, nevertheless it has been said that someone saw someone peeping through a window, and a number of 'honest men have claimed to have witnessed this happening. As the Good Council women have claimed, with camerasinfront of the building why are they being attacked on hearsay. But as I say we are entering a new part of history and it could be we will have a Marxist Government soon The Freedom of Speech weonce enjoyed is slipping away as Marxist Dogma advances. God help our children, we no doubt for the sake of saving the planet will move forward to compulsory abortionss.
There is a new era of persecution arising in Britain towards those who would dare speak up for the unborn child. With the advance of Marxism and Communism in the Labour Party free speech is being restricted in many areas. When Abortion was introduced into Britain it was with a great deal of discomfort, for no matter the plight of those who sought abortions, and indeed there were many women who were desperate for being pregnant affected their lives and caused fear and panic since they felt that in a large family another child would make life impossible or perhaps a young girl with little knowledge was raped and abandoned but there was the dilemma that it was recognised that the baby in the womb was indeed a human being. But women with harder hearts entered the abortion scene and declared the baby was not human so it was merely a matter of choice. Abortion clinics were set up and the slaughter began. The trouble with the women who called themselves Pro-choice was that they were certainly not Pro-Women. They offered no help to woman who did not want an Abortion and resented the Pro-Life women who did. Why is an organisation which gives help to women resented by them? Perhaps it is because they are not so convinced in their cause. Certainly by killing non-humans babies in the way Fascists killed non-human Jews is not a very attractive way of doing things.
But the caring Pro-Lifers are being silenced by the London Assembly and despite 23 years of prayer outside abortion clinics in London with no accusations of intimidation, nevertheless it has been said that someone saw someone peeping through a window, and a number of 'honest men have claimed to have witnessed this happening. As the Good Council women have claimed, with camerasinfront of the building why are they being attacked on hearsay. But as I say we are entering a new part of history and it could be we will have a Marxist Government soon The Freedom of Speech weonce enjoyed is slipping away as Marxist Dogma advances. God help our children, we no doubt for the sake of saving the planet will move forward to compulsory abortionss.
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