
Showing posts from December, 2017

The Holy Innocents+

As we remember today how Herod slaughtered all the male children of two years and under perhaps we may be unwilling to contemplate the Holy Innocents of today slaughtered by the million in their mothers' wombs.      Although there may be a slight nod of how terrible this is, that human beings are being denied their humanity and dignity ini the sight of God how many prayers are offered to God to relieve their sufferings.   Does your parish hold the day for Life every year which was originally meant to remind us of their deaths but was then changed to include a different threat each year and then quietly dropped to meet the requirement of ecumenism and diversity so that we could mumble that there is more that unites us with Protestants than divides us.   It is very much what a Labour MP told the young girls of Rotherham who had been raped.    "Shut up for the sake of Diversity" There is a new era of persecution arising in Britain towards those who woul...

The Rosary 1

T he hermits of the first centuries, who could not read the psalter, used to recite one Our Father and one Hail Mary in the place of every psalm; and in order to note the number they said, they made use of small stones, or of seeds strung on a cord. St. Dominic was the first who made the custom general of substituting one hundred and fifty Hail Marys for the one hundred and fifty psalms; hence the rosary used to be called the Psalter of Mary.  When, about the year 1200, the heresies of the Albigenseans wrought great mischief in the south of France and the north of Italy, St. Dominic was commissioned by the Pope to preach in refutation of their erroneous tenets. His efforts availed little, and he besought the aid of the Mother of God. She appeared to him, and bade him make use of the rosary as a weapon against her enemies. He accordingly introduced it everywhere, and before long it had effected the conversion of more than a hundred thousand heretics. The use of the Rosary soon...

"Follow Me"

Last year I was visiting my son and we went to Mass in the local Church.   A visiting priest from another parish had been called in since the Parish Priest was on Holiday.   The visiting priest told the congregation that if they did not have more vocations then as the old priests died off there would be nobody to say Mass for them.   I spoke to him afterwards and he told me there were only 3 young men training for the Priesthood.   Now this was a larger diocese than Portsmouth and that shocked me.  I told him that in Portsmouth at that time we had 11 young men being trained as priests.  And today another  young man from my parish has put himself forward and that brings the position of applicants to 15.  So what is the secret? The first bouquet of praise must go to Bishop Egan.   He took over the diocese at a very difficult time and there wire many obstacles to overcome.   He had to juggle with those who opposed his views and yet say ...

FATIMA; The apparition of the Angel

A year before the children of Fatima were visited by Our Lady they had a two visits by an angel who taught them in the first vision to constantly say the prayer "O My Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of Hell, and lead all souls to Heaven, especially those in most need of your mercy" In the second vision he appeared with the host and the chalice to give the children Holy Communion. This was an extraordinary visit.   He left the host and the chalice suspended in mid air and knelt with the children teaching them this prayer "Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son,and Holy Spirit I adore you profoundly and I offer you the most Precious Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus Christ, present in all the tabernacles of the world in reparation for the outrages, sacrileges, and indifference by which He is offended.  And through the Infinite merits of His Most Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I beg of you the conversion of poor sinners". Notice ...