The Holy Innocents+
As we remember today how Herod slaughtered all the male children of two years and under perhaps we may be unwilling to contemplate the Holy Innocents of today slaughtered by the million in their mothers' wombs. Although there may be a slight nod of how terrible this is, that human beings are being denied their humanity and dignity ini the sight of God how many prayers are offered to God to relieve their sufferings. Does your parish hold the day for Life every year which was originally meant to remind us of their deaths but was then changed to include a different threat each year and then quietly dropped to meet the requirement of ecumenism and diversity so that we could mumble that there is more that unites us with Protestants than divides us. It is very much what a Labour MP told the young girls of Rotherham who had been raped. "Shut up for the sake of Diversity" There is a new era of persecution arising in Britain towards those who woul...