Faith must have a holistic approach; satisfying the whole person rational and emotiona
In the seventies all kinds of intellectual people were invited into the Church in Europe to help give it a modern appeal. It is certainly true that Faith must be based on reason but in the practice of Faith, in discovering the love of God and returning that love we need more than assent to the intellect.. I love my wife but I do not love her intellectually there is an emotional content. There are the hugs, the flowers, the appropriate words at appropriate times, the saying 'I love you". To make marriage work we need the whole of our person involved, rational and emotional. Love is an emotional thing. And if I love my spouse I do not make excuses for unfaithfulness. lying to her, purposely spending my time away from her and then claiming that after all I am only human. In the presence of my wife I should feel guilt about such things for that is what true love is about. So if I go against what He expects of me can I really claim to love God. ...