On the Question of Cowardice.

If we follow the Jesus of Scripture we will know the story of the Rich Young Man who asked him what he had to do to earn eternal life.  Jesus replied that he had to keep the Commandments.  He made no further comments about conscience or rigidity.    Keeping the Commandments is not an easy thing to do, I for one have been guilty of many sins and great sins and only managed to improve by putting my weakness into the hands of Jesus and asking his constant help when I am tempted.   I can see no rigidity in doing this since it brings me closer to God.

I am astonished therefore to find in high places an almost mocking tone for those who love and honour the Commandments.   It is not just about me however, and the rich young man, it is about the desire of Jesus that everyone should earn eternal life.   That means that everyone should love and honour the Ten Commandments, but not just the Ten Commandments every further command that the Jesus of Scripture gave us.   And if the Jesus of Scripture tells us that Divorce and Remarriage is a sin that is not in the plan of God, then I also take HIs word as something true and unequivocal.

There is one more point.  When the Reformers took over the Catholic Church and established a false Christ they tried to hold up the Beatitudes  as the commandments to be followed.   The truth is that unless we are the right kind of person, the one who follows the Ten Commandments we will find the Beatitudes very difficult indeed to follow.  They will be ideals which our fallen nature cannot respond to, for the love of God is found in following the Commandments   As the Jesus of Scripture said  :If you love Me keep my Commandments"   I am sorry that such a simple truth of the love of God is not recognised in high places.   People who love Jesus so much are certainly not cowards.


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