Bishop Doyle of the Diocese of Northampton, will speak on the subject of the Synod on the Family, Saturday 27th February, 9.30‒3pm, organised by the well known dissident group ACTA [A Call To Action] who describe themselves as committed to the reforms of Vatican II and “anxious about the future of the Church”. You can hear him, in the video below, speaking about “the anguish of the divorced and remarried” and “the upset of parents about the teaching of the Church regarding their gay son or daughter
The above came from a Catholic Website, so the news of ACTA and Bishop Philip is widespread. What infuriates me is the personal attack on the Bishop in this Video is totally unjustified. Yes, he does speak about the anguish of the divorced and remarried, yes, he does speak about 'the upset of parents about the teaching of the Church regarding their gay son or daughter' but many divorced and remarried people who come back to Church are genuinely feel anguish since they cannot draw close to Jesu7s in the Sacrament. Yes, many of the parents of gay sons and daughters are upset by Church teaching and as a Bishop he no doubt has dealings with them. Yes, and I know from my experiences couples in this situation who want so much for their sons and daughters that they bring them to Mass and feel the deprivation. But the Bishop did not say that he agreed with the ACTA solution. Is being compassionate then a sign of being a modernist? There are others though who do not give a damn what the Church says and just go to Communion. It will be a pity though if I am wrong and the Bishop has been bulldozed into modernism.
The above came from a Catholic Website, so the news of ACTA and Bishop Philip is widespread. What infuriates me is the personal attack on the Bishop in this Video is totally unjustified. Yes, he does speak about the anguish of the divorced and remarried, yes, he does speak about 'the upset of parents about the teaching of the Church regarding their gay son or daughter' but many divorced and remarried people who come back to Church are genuinely feel anguish since they cannot draw close to Jesu7s in the Sacrament. Yes, many of the parents of gay sons and daughters are upset by Church teaching and as a Bishop he no doubt has dealings with them. Yes, and I know from my experiences couples in this situation who want so much for their sons and daughters that they bring them to Mass and feel the deprivation. But the Bishop did not say that he agreed with the ACTA solution. Is being compassionate then a sign of being a modernist? There are others though who do not give a damn what the Church says and just go to Communion. It will be a pity though if I am wrong and the Bishop has been bulldozed into modernism.
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