Post Synod; I am still waiting for a Bishop, Priest, or Expert to notice the Children?

I have just read  Cardinal Nichols telling us all about the Synod.   It is full of the usual phrases about 'listening' and other words suggesting compassion and mercy.  Yes we must support the divorced and remarried but how do we support the children?    Before the Synod, during the Synod, and after the Synod as now I have been asking this question so let me ask again - what about the children?

What do I mean what about the children?  They grow up and get on with their lives like everybody else.  NO THEY DO NOT.  They grow up deprived of the full and loving relationship of a father or a mother.  They accept divorce as just another part of life and make bad relationships themselves.   Of course with their experience of marriage they make a decision it is better not to get caught in the trap and just start living with a partner.   IS THERE ANYONE OUT THERE WHO IS GOING TO COMMENT AND CONTRADICT ME?   But of course the listening and merciful priest is always there to ease the pain of a parent.   "Never mind, Christ was just talking about ideals, as long as they give to the poor they will be OK"     Of course as young people with demands on their money they do not give to the poor.

Gee, I mentioned Christ what has he to do with anything, keep his name out of this.   No, I am an uncharitable person I AM A ROMAN CATHOLIC.   The 'living experience' of children is not good when it comes to divorce.  Their hearts are broken.  That is why after he had thoroughly condemned divorce and remarriage Jesus immediately turned to the children and warned those who would cause them scandal.   Are we causing the children scandal?   Perhaps we should examine ourselves.

In Mark 10, if we dare to read it we will find that the family is not just something that people thought up for themselves.   God created people to be families.  Families were  not just a good idea thought up by men they are the very brickwork on which civilisation is built.  When families as God intended them are destroyed then civilisation itself is destroyed.    The Family is the school of love.  Parents through their love teach the children to love, and when they grow firm and secure in that love they are able to pass it on to those outside of the family.   The Church should not be teaching individuals, they should be teaching families.   That is why Jesus gave us the rules so pointedly "What God has joined together let not man pull asunder" God created marriage and God makes the rules - not experts.    So the wishy washy approach of Cardinal Nichols with his listening and mercy in patching up individuals is not in accordance with what Jesus told us to do.   'Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven".   If young people are not being prepared for marriage as a lifetime commitment but can only turn for First Aid to Cardinal Nichols when they are hurt then our young people have a bleak future

But in a society where the Catholic Church is true to its mission and being the Light of the World, people will see the Church St Augustine saw.  a Church where young people were chaste before marriage and therefore faithful within marriage.   People will see it as a contrast to the dismal record of society rather than a Church that hypocritically goes along with society.   Like Augustine they will be impressed.   And when the nation has returned to faithful and loyal marriages then the great burden on the state of supporting divorce mothers, single parents, and lonely and desperate young people destined for poverty then indeed so many other things will fit into place.  The Kingdom of God will appear on earth- not by ignoring 'rules' but by applying them.



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