Jesus Christ, the Way, the Truth and ...well He needs correction from time to time.
In the seventies some very clever scholars and `experts` came into the Church. They introduced us to the Church of Ideals rather than Doctrine We no longer needed to view the teachings of Jesus Christ as being important and those who thought they were were just rigid people who saw only black and white but did not grasp that the `new` living expereince meant that there were `greys`. Those who lived in the past and took the rigid omments of Jesus in Scripture too seriously became the real enemies of Christianity and of course enemies of Progess, so they began to build their own Progressive Church,Of courxe the idea of Truth became embarrassing so they began to sneer at those who still thought Jesuus meant it when He said to Pilate that he had come to bear witness to the Truth. Like Pilate their response today is to sneer and say "What is Truth Unfortunately the English bishops loved this new `popular` Church. How much easier it is to say `no problem` when someone comes with a complaint about `exclusion`. The bishops became the centre of humanity and it felt good
All..l of this came to the fore during the recent Synod on Marriage. There were those traditionalists still following scripture without realising that we cannot take Jesus seriously in this modern age. Indeed we cannot possibly talk about divorce, adultery, sodomy, and same sex marriage as wrong the way Jesus and the early church did. We want to be `popular` and help people. And as for those Arican Catholics, well they must be backward.
One last question. Since in practice they totally ignore Jesus why do these Progressives even acknowledge Hiim.
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