Christ and his Commandments, and Christ and his Compassiob.

I was surprised recently when the now Cardinal Nichols explained that the matter of reception of Holy Communion by the Divorced and Remarried was not a black and white issue since we had to keep in mind that the Commandments of Jesus Christ had to be weighed against His Compassion.   He was of course speaking for this Compassionate Church he and his fellow bishopwhat s built up in England over the past fifty year where people were freed like the Protestants before the from rules and regulations so that people could do wrong in faith and morals with no guilt or sense of sin like those hell ridden Catholic of the Pre-VNIcatican era.   Many of course welcomed such a compassionate set up but what happened was that the young looked at the Church and were appalled at what they saw was hypocricy.  I will give Cardinal Nichols the benefit of the doubt and say he was sincere but surely he cannot believe that wholesale abandoning of Christ`s teachings on Divorce and sexual morals made the Church better or stronger.   Cardinal Nichols again spoke out about the poverty in this country the Government had created but I was not impressed because he and his fellow bishops and their refusal to support the family had also been a remarkable contribution to that poverty in the shape of young Catholics who were single mothers, divorced women struggling with chidren,  Catholic girls going for abortions, they are all the poor of our society which he and his fellow bishops created by organising a `compassionate Church` which refused to preach the Gospel.  Young people who are remaining in the Church after the failure of Catholic Education have witnessed how the wisdom of Christ is greater than the philosophies of men and realise He was serious.  The Church will be changed by these young people.



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