The Mass in the Early Church was Catholic.
As I have said I am studying the Early Church and finding out just how Catholic it was. Little wonder that many Evangelicals in America who did the same found themselves compelled to convert to Rome. But let me talk about the Mass. A Protestant Early Church historian J.N.D Kelly. "...the eucharist was regarded as the distinctively Christian sacrifice. Malachi predicted (Malachi 1:10 -11) that God would reject Jewish sacrifices and instead would have a 'pure offering' made to Him by the gentiles was seized upon in every place by Christians, the Didache actually apples this term 'thusia' or sacrifice to the Eucharist.............the bread and wine moreover are offered 'for a memorial' a phrase which in view of his identification of them with the body and blood implies much more than an actual of purely spiritual recollection" But let us quote from the Fathers. ST Clement. A contemporary of the Apostles and the third successor of Peter in ...