Mourning and Weeping in this Vale of Tears.
When I was growing up in the forties and fifties my life had an anchor. In my family there was love, in my church there was certainty, and in most politicians there was a desire to serve the people. The nation had values which kept it civilised and there was a broad agreement as to what was right and wrong. It was such values based on Judaeo Christian teaching that built loving families, and loving families were the cells of our civilisation where young people having been loved were able to bring that love into their own family lives when they married. Although sexual exploitation happened between men and women for always we are weak and vulnerable to sin, it was not something to boast about in public. No, it was wrong and we knew it was wrong but if there was sincerity in the relationship then nobody cared. But change came s with more materialism entering our lives. One of the great changes was the Pill and contraceptives. A ...