Thy Kingdom Come
Every Sunday at Mass we say the Our Father and immediately after there has been added in recent years a Sign of Peace. Well fine I have no objections but is this shaking of the hands, this mutual inclusive or exclusive friendship all that there is to Christian Love. Or put it another way is this 'love of neighbour' all that Christ wanted when he established his Kingdom. Love can be a very deceptive word and as human beings we use it on many occasions for our own motives and the 'feel good about ourselves' factor. And I judge myself as often guilty of this. As creatures made by God we all have that capacity to love within us whatever our faith and whatever our background. No one race, no one creed, can claim a monopoly. This love is nurtured in us by our parents, their love for one another ended in our birth and through the experience of a loving home and a loving family we learned to love others. But family love is a...